Simple, no particular problem. Fully compatible Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Fully compatible under Linux with Wine!!SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCEI use it for 3 years now. I changed my computer several times (I am a computer, I have 4 PCs all the time).
Recycling of the pan to the racing machine, impeccable.OVERALL OPINIONI use it for editing scores. Comprehensive, intuitive, it contains everything I need, and much more. The outputs are of professional quality. Excellent quality / price ratio.
Frequently updated, but happiness! A must recommend. Installation without problem.Trs intuitive handling, using trs clear, and the site of Harmony there are tutorials extremely well made, just need to Tlcharger the free plug-in that allows you to view them.SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCEI just made a basic hardware, with Windows XP and a sound card from the trivial. I think the basic sounds on offer by this software is done everything right, much better than Guitar Pro.
In addition, Harmony offers many printing options, with or without tabs, song, etc. And then, the calculation of agreements, as well as the accompaniments on the basis of the grid calculates how rgal, especially since it can also make arrangements on request.
More non ngligeable: using free software found on the site of Harmony, one can insrer partitions in a web page, and play! People who have this software Designed panies are real (and real musicians!)OVERALL OPINIONGuitar Pro J'hsitais take in order to transform my partitions tablatures to communicate more easily with my guitar. Once I Discoveries Harmony, which is only 10 euros more with 1000 times more possibility there's no picture taken. As for other editors I've experienced, they seem well below Harmony. The XP installation is done simply and easily.the handling of the software for its configuration as that for its first use is very easy and intuitive.documentation with the search module allows you to very quickly find the info you're looking for.
Quick and easy installation. No compatibility problems with XP Home (SP1 and SP2). Configuration is as simple, more can be Tlcharger free tutorials on the site of Myriad.SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCEHarmony Assistant is running perfectly on my laptop P4 2800 MHz, 256 MB DDR.
He never plant.OVERALL OPINIONI use it for the past six months, I find this software easy, complete and effective. I use it mainly for CRIRES scores / tablatures for bass and guitar and I find that this software is at least as good as Guitar Pro in this area.
Regarding the price it costs 70 euros with all future updates and it is better to take the basis of its GOLD (numrique its High Definition). Try to adopt it.
Installation without any problem, fast, low disk space required, in short nothing wrong!Five minutes and one neuron more than enough to move the facility to print a Premire partition.Manuel? There's need for a manual? Yes, may be options for the most demanding but overall, not need!There is a manual trs well done in HTML, it is enough.SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCEI started using it on a Pentium MMX 200 MHz, 24 MB RAM, 2 GB hard drive and sound card base: no problem, trs honorable performance, excellent stability.OVERALL OPINIONhas been two years since I use it.Benefits? It should all nophyte of the professional (well almost).Before, j'tais of, a sort of version Allgemeine, but also good quality.So compared qualitprix trs INTERESTED, so a choice I would do without hsiter! Installation impeccable, no inconsistency on my old desktop PC 233 MHZ or 166 MHZ on a laptop.SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCEIt is quite easy to create excellent scores from Harmony Central. Very nice setup, we understand what we do.
Two or three-level details of the layout and printing of documents, however, make me give a 9 out of 10. This software meets all my expectations in terms of composition, I use it to create databases on several musical MIDI tracks I export a hardware sequencer then, in my home studio.
Harmony Central is a perfect software, you'll get your money!OVERALL OPINIONI am using Harmony Central for some time now, I bought my license and I update regularly. The concept is very well done, congratulations to the authors who have put their passion in building a powerful and user friendly tool. No problem with installation. The software fits perfectly on all platforms.There is no problem of incompatibility because the software requires no hardware audio SPECIFICATIONS.Indeed, a simple sound card is enough!Compared to all the software I test score (Finale, Encore, Note Worthy, etc.), Pizzicatto this software provides the most stable configuration gnrale, but also the most fun!! I stress this point.The manual is clear, clean, prcis.SUITABILITY/PERFORMANCEAMD Athlon 850, 256MB Ram, 2 HDD: 20 GB and 120 GB system give.No problem configuration.Is a little slow on some points such as loading (note that this is one of the only programs offer a virtual vritable singer, not a single voice is called 'grgorienne' which I would mention no names.
Virtual Singer
Words not yet been comprhensibles for nophyte singer2 but should soon. And more, with the technology Real Singer, one can blackmail him with his own voice. Can be your exact amlior but we recognize!)No problem of stability (2 crashes in 3 years of use.)OVERALL OPINIONI am using Harmony Assistant for 3 months (2 ½ years prior to Melody.).I really like everything in this program. Everything is configurable, notes (use much less restrictive than conccurents), effects (no problem since twelve o'clock gre.), the sounds of words, many exporters are possible.
( wav, mid, ogg, karaoke.), software always moving because everything is configurable (skins, scripts.), wide range of documents (access to tablatures, guitar, organ, orchestra, jazz, instrumentals solos and ensembles, choirs, most of it!).The report does not qualitprix Previous! Rgulires updates and free! Possibility to participate in many activities on their site (competition, workshop democracies, forums.), it's not only audio choice is a state of mind. The only slight snag I got is the fawn grate sound. With the basis of its gold (300 MB of samples), the beats are good, but the software tends to tarnish its sounds, so it is not yet pro! However, semi-professional is a fair bit as appointment as it provides a number of possibilities really poustouflant, I know, never RALIS!Finally (we never stop talking about this when you log connate), I would do this Tough choices! And no, I'm not a member of the company Myriad!Voil wise.